Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Kicking off color week!

As I was unpacking my box of yummy organic vegetables the other day I couldn't help but notice how pretty all of the colorful fruits and veggies were. So, of course, I had to take a picture!

A yummy rainbow of goodness, hehe!

This weeks posts are all about colors! I just love rainbows of items grouped together. When I was a child my favorite episode of Sesame Street (or Reading Rainbow, can't remember which one exactly) was the trip to the crayon factory cause at the very end they showed boxes of unwrapped crayons of all different colors stacked together. Just a little something I've always remembered. 

This weeks giveaway is on hold as I have totally fallen behind. Giveaways will be back starting next week.

Have a wonderful Tuesday, I hope it isn't too hot where you are, its supposed to be 95 here today. meh!


Modred Vintage said...

Love the pictures. Wish I had them at my house.

Erin Neiner said...

HA! I TOTALLY remember that *sesame street* one about the crayon factory!!! It's on you tube somewhere, actually! I happened upon it awhile ago while I was showing the boys some of the sesame street classics....from my childhood! :)

Also. Berkshire Organics is AWESOME. I went in there the other day and wow~ great produce! They had awesome priced stuff outside on a discount table. We got avocado, cherries & lots of apricots! Thanks for the heads up. Is this picture from one of their baskets? I like the idea of those and didn't know they did that!