Wednesday, June 16, 2010

my babe

my sick girl

Hello my dears,

So sorry to have missed two days of posts. Rory has been a sick little girl and I've been trying my best to ease her discomfort and still get some work done, so a few things had to go the wayside and unfortunately my blog was one of them. I spent the better part of today trying to get my daydreaming post (supposed to be posted yesterday) together and a Rory is six months old now post done, but alas my sweet babe needs her mommy and it was all for nothing. So this week is a bit of a wash (last week was too). However, tomorrow a new giveaway will be up and that is something to look forward to.

I leave you to return to my little love as she has woken up and is in need of a cuddle. Oh, did I mention that I am pretty sure that a tooth will be coming quite soon, that hasn't helped our situation out at all.


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